Tuesday, November 23, 2010

And when we're not making messes...

We're eating!  :)  Sometimes we do both at the same time.  Those are fun times!  I like food projects.  I like cutting and measuring and building.  I like mixing and mashing and molding.  These are important life skills, and trust me, the wives of all these little boys (5, right now, on a daily basis) will thank me!

The kids asked me the other day if they could help make lunch.  I wasn't sure how I'd do it...it was bologna day.  Bologna day is easy.  You just slap a little bologna on some bread and go!  Not much cooking or measuring or mixing there.  I wanted to let them help, though.  So, I had two options.  Change my plans or adapt them.  I decided to let the kids make their own sandwiches!  I know that doesn't sound too exciting, but they are 2, 3, and 4.  Putting together a sandwich is big business!

The two-year-old left his pieces on the plate exactly where I put them and he ate piece by piece.  He did ask for ketchup (into which he dipped his grapes).

The three and four-year-olds, however, put together perfect little sandwiches. 

It didn't really matter what they looked like.  The kids made their own lunches.  They were proud.  They learned something!  And they ate well!


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