Monday, August 8, 2011

Weight loss update

This, my friends, is what TWENTY NINE pounds lost looks like!!

Front view before:

Front view today:

Side view before:

Side view today:

Down 29.4 pounds, 18.5 inches...162.4 pounds today!  Thank you, thank you, thank you, Lean Green Mama, for giving me the guidance I needed!  We're more than halfway there!


Sunflower Joy said...

that is awesome. Your face has changed alot also.

Anonymous said...

You are looking good Ebeth! Keep up the good work!!!

Shannon said...

WOW! Amazing! I need that same inspiration, as I have about the same 50-60 pounds to lose!Congrats, it is hard work!

Elizabeth said...

Shannon, check out the link I put to Lean Green Mama's website! (It's actually the Lean Green You site.) It has 4 FREE videos that cover the basics of the eating "plan" I'm using. It's amazing, and I've really found that the foods I shouldn't be eating are foods that case some...negative reactions in my body. I HIGHLY recommend it!

Anne D. said...

Congratulations!! You look great!!

lydiasgt said...

Woo-Hoo! Go Elizabeth! That is so awesome! I may have to check out the website!

/\Heather/\ said...

Wow! That's amazing. Is this easier when you have fans to show the results? If so, I'm starting a blog! haha

Unknown said...

You are looking fantastic! Keep up the great work! :D

Jen Crum said...

I think I need to work on your program...

Nicole said...

what a huge difference!! Congratulations!

Elizabeth said...

Heather, I don't really think it makes it easier having you to show. I could just as easily not show you anything, you know? Initially I started this "plan" as a blog review...but that ended at week 6. I'm nearly 3 months in, now, and still going strong. In fact, I've totally boosted my exercise again this week to include a 2-3 mile walk 5x a week. (That's a brisk walk pushing 70 pounds of kids in the stroller, btw.)

What's made the difference is my own determination. I've lost weight before. In college I had a doctor that (for medical reasons) had me cut out ALL carbs for 6 weeks. I lost about 30 pounds in those 6 weeks. And then I gained them back. A few years ago, I did a "biggest loser" contest at work. I lost about 20 or so pounds. I gained it back. THOSE times, though, I was "dieting" and I wasn't doing it for me. I was doing it for my doctor or for my team. THIS time, I'm on my own in this...I made the decision, I am the one pushing myself, I am the only person holding me accountable. And you know what?? This is the easiest it's been. Not only is the weight coming off, but I FEEL better! When I eat the foods I shouldn't, I feel yucky. I like the way I feel when I eat well and exercise, and I plan to stick with it LOOOONG after I meet my "goal!"

Thanks for the encouragement, ladies!

Unknown said...

Great job. Hope you keep up with it (and I also hope you don't gain the weight back.) I started the C25K program and love it. I like the fact that I am not expected to run a 5K right off the bat, that it's gradual. Congrats (again)!!!

Beth Gould said...

Looking good!! Keep it going!

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