Friday, December 3, 2010


We had our first snow of the season!  YAY!  It came on December 1st, which I thought was the absolute most perfect day for a first snow.  We were all excited to see it when we woke up in the morning!  (The kids were excited because they knew mommy would let them play in it...I was excited because I knew they would be!)

On the way to school, Thing 1 asked me, "Mommy, does God make snow just so little kids can play in it?"  That question really made me think.  Why is it that kids LOVE snow and adults inherently loathe it?  So, after pondering for just a moment, my response was, "Yes.  I DO think God made snow for kids to play in.  He could have done a million other things with the cold, but he picked snow because it is beautiful and fun to play in.  I think God put SOME things on this earth JUST for us to enjoy."  And with that, my perspective changed.  I don't hate the snow now.  I am going to thank God for the snow because (among other uses) it's beautiful and fun to play in.  :)  I want to choose to see the world through my kids' eyes more often!

Okay, so that was extra.  That part just sort of spilled out.  Now for the real post...

We had our first snow of the season!  YAY!  It came on December 1st, which I thought was the absolute most perfect day for a first snow.  We were all excited to see it when we woke up in the morning!  (The kids were excited because they knew mommy would let them play in it...I was excited because I knew they would be!)

Bugsy was dying to get out in the snow.  He's been asking for 6 months when it will snow.  After we dropped Thing 1 off at school we searched the closet for the appropriate attire. 

Aunt J was on her way with her boys and "the boys" were on their way as well.  We found a general mishmash of wintery clothes and sent the four oldest boys out to the backyard. 

It was cold outside...27 degrees with a windchill of 18!  The kids would have stayed out all day (except for Noodle)!  We brought them in after a short play time and served them hot (okay, luke warm) chocolate! 

What would a snow day be without a snow video?  We invited these fun guys...

and we danced and sang along with their super fun winter time dvd!

(We snuck in a little bit of hot chocolate time, too.)

I want to create traditions that my kids will remember when they are "old" like me.  ;-)  So I decided that, starting with this year, we will make paper snowflakes each year when we have the first snow of the season!

They had a lot of fun with it!  Thing 1 said they'd done it at school already, so she knew how.  I let her give the instructions, which began with, "Fold your paper exactly three times..."  And the snowflakes turned out just like...paper snowflakes!

(We only had one minor scissors casualty.)

So there you have it.  Our first snow day of the season.  We're all pumped and ready for a BIG snow...the kind where we can make snowmen and snow angels and snow forts and go sledding and have a snowball fight...  And I'm going to look at all this whole snowy season through their eyes of wonder!


Jen Crum said...

What a fun day these guys had.. it was kind of sad that the snow melted and they had to play in mud the next day! Thanks for the fun memories for my little guy.

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